Mafia District have a coverage of 407 square kilometer which is dry land. Coverage of hectare 26,000 is used for agriculture, livestock keepers na habitat. Mlola forest reserve having 6066 hectare. Other area have lagoons, ponds and bush farms.
Natural resources sector is divided into subsector like Forest, Wildlife, Tourism, Beekeeping and Environmental conservation. In the district we have one forest reserve found in the northern division known as Mlola forest reserve having hectare 6,066 which is protected. According to research done in this forest it is found to be unique forest which support many rare and endemic species in the world having variety of vegetation, birds, animals and small organism. There is 656 of plants among of them 4 is endemic species which found in mafia only, 130 species of birds and one endemic species called Kurumbiza sharubunyeupe as a local name found in Mafia and Pemba.
We have 6 participatory forest management reserve in 6 village having coverage 3525 hectares . In order to protect environment we have tree planting campaign in the year 2007 to 2014 tree 29,432,627 planted in different area including coastal area.
In six years ago (2006-2010) two project concerning environmental conservation done through community participatory approach ,( Rufiji, Mafia and Kilwa project under WWF Fund (RUMAKI), Marine Coastal Environmental Management Project (MACEMP).
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